We would like to let you know about our 'Pay-it-Forward Fundraising Appeal' that the Foundation is undertaking. The CIFI was established over 60 years ago to fulfill the need for a funding charity to support non-profit cultural and scholarship activities in the Icelandic Canadian community. Currently, CIFI funds several scholarships and provides grants to Canadian Snorri Program participants and Icelandic cultural events.
The goal of our fundraising campaign is to increase the Foundation’s financial capacity to do more to encourage our next generation of leaders to engage with their Icelandic Canadian community, and expand our ability to support worthwhile Icelandic Canadian cultural projects and initiatives across Canada.
CIFI scholarship recipients and Snorri participants become more aware of their ties to their Icelandic heritage, culture and community and many are now making significant contributions to their community. Receiving a Canada Iceland Foundation Scholarship assists our leaders of tomorrow in reaching their potential. Providing financial assistance to Canadian Snorri participants gives us back enthused and eager young adults who return from their Snorri adventure ready to engage in their Icelandic heritage back in their home communities. The grants that the CIFI provides to these individuals is often critical to their ability to participate in this program. To help the Foundation continue and expand this support, we are encouraging people in the Icelandic Canadian community to donate funds, to the extent they can, to the CIFI.
Michael Grisdale of Calgary writes:
The funds I received [from the CIFI] helped me pay for my flight from Calgary to Toronto. At the time I participated in the Snorri program (summer 2008) I had next to zero extra money so this was very helpful to me.
Brad Hirst of Selkirk told us:
His Snorri experience was life-changing. He was so enthused and inspired to get involved in his Icelandic-Canadian community that he took on the position as director of the Icelandic Camp. He has put his considerable energy and effort into making the Icelandic Camp experience a huge success for so many kids for the past eighteen years.
Elva Simundsson of Gimli (and CIFI’s current President) writes:
I received the Emelia Palmason scholarship from the CIFI at a a time I really needed the extra cash to see me through my university year. This scholarship states: “...that somewhere along the highway of life the award winners will try to provide comparable help...”. I have tried to keep that in mind and do what I can since receiving that award.
The Foundation is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Charitable donations can be made through CanadaHelps via our secure website link. Donations by cheque, through e-transfers or a gift of securities are also welcome. Contact us directly at